Wavering Radiant is for all the people who have serious illnesses. There is a petition that states we want CBD oil to be put onto the PBS to make it affordable for all people who are suffering. My daughter Yvette is one of those people. She has Lennox Gestault Syndrome which is uncontrolled Epilepsy and a chromosomal disorder and some Cerebral Palsy.
Yvette has been on medication since she was seven months old and now she is 27.The medications have helped her Epilepsy in the short term. Yvette has had CBD for about 5 months and seemed relaxed and very aware. The only problem was it was 500 dollars for 2 bottles with a prescription from Plant Med and Government Approval. The bottles were approximately 150 mls each. I could not afford to keep paying this so Yvette stopped CBD. If it had been on the PBS She would have been able to continue taking it.
I am not aiming for a cure with Yvette but that would be wonderful. All I want is for her to be Happy, relaxed and thoroughly enjoy all aspects of her life. I saw this in her when she was taking CBD. At the moment she is losing her appetite and not wanting to finger feed herself and has tummy problems. This could be due to side effects of medication she is taking for Epilepsy but I also think she has lost her joy. Please help and sign the Petition to the Government in Wavering Radiant for CBD oil to be put onto the PBS for all the Suffering People.
Regards and Love to all
Cheryl Taleski.


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